Progress Report Q2 2017
Wow! Where to begin?! The team has put so much effort into renovating the property and building up to our standards. Hard to believe that 11 months has gone by so fast, but the before and after is evidence to us that we can make huge strides if we continue to work hard every day.
Approximately 600 fluorescent, metal-halide, and high-pressure sodium bulbs and fixtures have been replaced with energy-efficient, motion sensor, LED lights and fixtures.
We have a goal to complete an installation of over 1000 new LEDs by the end of July 2017!
Ugh! What a mess! This is what the office looked like after we removed the decayed ceiling tiles and old flooring.
Ta-daa! New ceiling tiles, new flooring, nice couches, a show room for ConstructShield(TM)
10,000 sq ft of office space renovation in electrical, structural, plumbing, painting, amenities, decorating, and safety!
Even buffing the floors and adding a new coat of paint is enough to really make a building constructed in the 70’s look alive and ready for activity!
Beautiful green land surrounding the building on all sides, and this is only one corner! Over 91 acres, this place feels like a palace!
Well… I guess this is progress. Looks like the crew is starting some installation on the new roof to replace the old roof that provided a free sprinkler system when it rained.
Oh THERE WE GO! That’s what I was looking for. CentiMark, well done! The whole crew has added new meaning to speed and efficiency. At this rate, we’ll be having rooftop parties in no time!
Keep up to date with progress reports regularly at our Facebook page and Instagram!